هـمـس الـعـيـون
عشاق الميديا سنتر Windows Xp SP3-Windows 7 Viena - Media Center Ed Feb.2009 613623
عزيزي الزائر / عزيزتي الزائرة يرجي التكرم بتسجبل الدخول اذا كنت عضو معنا
او التسجيل ان لم تكن عضو وترغب في الانضمام الي اسرة المنتدي
سنتشرف بتسجيلك
شكرا عشاق الميديا سنتر Windows Xp SP3-Windows 7 Viena - Media Center Ed Feb.2009 829894
ادارة المنتدي عشاق الميديا سنتر Windows Xp SP3-Windows 7 Viena - Media Center Ed Feb.2009 103798
هـمـس الـعـيـون
عشاق الميديا سنتر Windows Xp SP3-Windows 7 Viena - Media Center Ed Feb.2009 613623
عزيزي الزائر / عزيزتي الزائرة يرجي التكرم بتسجبل الدخول اذا كنت عضو معنا
او التسجيل ان لم تكن عضو وترغب في الانضمام الي اسرة المنتدي
سنتشرف بتسجيلك
شكرا عشاق الميديا سنتر Windows Xp SP3-Windows 7 Viena - Media Center Ed Feb.2009 829894
ادارة المنتدي عشاق الميديا سنتر Windows Xp SP3-Windows 7 Viena - Media Center Ed Feb.2009 103798
هـمـس الـعـيـون
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

مــرحــبــا بــك يـــــا زائر فــي مـنـتـديـات ((هــمــس الــعــيــون))
عشاق الميديا سنتر Windows Xp SP3-Windows 7 Viena - Media Center Ed Feb.2009 Homeالرئيسيةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول

اهلا وسهلا بك زائرنا الكريم منتديات همس العيون ترحب بك أجمل ترحيب ونتمنى لك وقتاً سعيداً مليئاً بالحب كما يحبه الله ويرضاه فأهلاً بك في هذا المنتدى المبارك إن شاء الله ونرجوا أن تفيد وتستفيد منا وشكراً لتعطيرك المنتدى بباقتك الرائعة من مشاركات مستقبلية لك منا أجمل المنى وأزكى التحيات والمحب ة نرجو التسجيل لمشاهدة جميع اقسام المنتد ي ستجدون كل ما تريدون


 عشاق الميديا سنتر Windows Xp SP3-Windows 7 Viena - Media Center Ed Feb.2009

اذهب الى الأسفل 
6 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
عضو متعاون

عدد الرسائل : 5336
العمر : 36
العمل/الترفيه : طالب جامعى
المزاج : تمام والحمد لله
رقم العضوية : 1
الدولة : علم مصر
MMS : للك قلبى للك عمرى وللك باقى سنينى
المهنة : عشاق الميديا سنتر Windows Xp SP3-Windows 7 Viena - Media Center Ed Feb.2009 Collec10
السٌّمعَة : 7
نقاط : 18403
تاريخ التسجيل : 26/04/2008

عشاق الميديا سنتر Windows Xp SP3-Windows 7 Viena - Media Center Ed Feb.2009 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: عشاق الميديا سنتر Windows Xp SP3-Windows 7 Viena - Media Center Ed Feb.2009   عشاق الميديا سنتر Windows Xp SP3-Windows 7 Viena - Media Center Ed Feb.2009 I_icon_minitime2009-04-18, 5:47 pm

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

عشاق الميديا سنتر Windows Xp SP3-Windows 7 Viena - Media Center Ed Feb.2009 W7Reloadmain

عشاق الميديا سنتر Windows Xp SP3-Windows 7 Viena - Media Center Ed Feb.2009 W7_Reload_full

Windows Xp SP3-Windows 7 Viena Edition Reload with Windows Media Center Edition Feb.2009 | 816MB
Bootable DVDs ISO | English | SATA/RaID |

This version base on Windows XP SP3 Final with Newest Hotfix and driver
pack update to 01 February 09.After the first version is Windows Xp
SP3-Viena Edition 2009, this next version add more Effects Softwares
(special is Windows Media Center v2..No need key , Actived ,support
SATA and LAPTOP.Can update online.

What's new in Windows Xp SP3-Windows 7 Viena Edition Reload Feb.2009 ?
[*]Internet Explorer 7
[*]Windows Media Player 11
[*]Windows Media
Center (v2.
[*]Effects Softwares
[*]Softwares extras
[*]Newest Windows
[*]Newest Driver Support
[*]Support SATA
[*]Support Laptop

Author : haiter
Platform: Windows XP SP3
Compilation Date: 02.01.2008 ( 01 February, 2009)
Version: Based on Windows XP Final
Fully Unattended : Yes
Category : Operating System
Activation Needed :No
Digitally Signed for Security : Yes
CD-Key : N/A
Size:4.3 GB
No of CD's: 1
Format: ISO Image File

Themes Add :
-Windows Seven Basic Theme
-Windows Seven Aero Theme

Effects Softwares:

* Seven Taskbar Iconizer: Group programs on Taskbar like Windows Seven Super Taskbar
* Icon Size: Make Big Icon like Windows Seven Icon
* Rainmeter: Gadgets like Windows Seven Gadgets
* TransBar: Transperancy the Taskbar
* TrueTransparency: Transperancy the Windows
* UberIcon: Blinking Icon Effect
* ViStart: Make StartMenu link Windows Seven StartMenu
* VisualTooltip: Visual Tooltip (New)
* WinFlip: Make Flip 3D like Windows Seven
* YzShadow: Transperancy the popup windows

Softwares extras:

* Copy To/Move To Context Menu Shell Extension
* HashTab 2.1.1
* Microsoft Calculator Plus 1.0 (Replaces calc.exe)
* Microsoft HighMAT CD Writing Wizard (KB831240)
* Microsoft Makecab 6.0.6001.22192 (From Windows Installer 4.5 SDK, doesn't mess up file dates)
* Microsoft OpenType Font Properties Extension 2.30
* Microsoft Power Calculator PowerToy 1.0
* ModifyPE 0.81
* Microsoft TweakUI PowerToy 2.10
* Unlocker 1.8.7
* UPX 3.03
* Others ScreenSaver

Windows Resources Removed:
# Applications #
Internet Games
# Drivers #
Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM)
Cameras and Camcorders
IBM PS/2 TrackPoint
IBM ThinkPad
Logitech WingMan
Microsoft SideWinder
Portable Audio
Serial Pen Tablet
Sony Jog Dial
Tape drives
Toshiba DVD decoder card
Wireless Ethernet (WLAN)
# Multimedia #
Luna desktop theme
Music Samples
Old CDPlayer and Sound Recorder
Speech Support
# Network #
MSN Explorer
Windows Messenger
# Operating System Options #
# Services #
Indexing Service
# Compatibility #

Newest Windows Hotfixes:

* KB281981 - Disconnected sessions retain the original variable
* KB887606 - Microsoft XML Parser (MSXML) uses cached credentials incorrectly
* KB898461 - Permanent copy of the Package Installer for Windows version
* KB909520 - Software update for Base Smart Card Cryptographic Service Provider
* KB917275 - Windows Rights Management Services for Windows XP
* KB922120 - Network Map in Windows Vista does not display computers that are running Windows XP
* KB931125 - Microsoft Root Certificates Update (November 200
* KB932578 - Event ID 55 may be logged in the System log when creating many files on an NTFS partition
* KB932716 - Image Mastering API v2.0 (IMAPIv2.0) update
* KB938759 - Cannot distribute or install a software package if the software package contains a very large signed file
* KB940648 - "You might not have permission to use this network
resource" error when trying to open My ********s folder after resuming
from hibernation
* KB942213 - The MMC.exe program randomly becomes unresponsive when the
user clicks OK or Cancel several times to close a Windows form
* KB942288 - Windows Installer 4.5
* KB943232 - An application that uses Sxs.dll crashes when running the application
* KB943729 - New Group Policy preferences in Windows Server 2008
* KB944043 - Windows Server 2008 read-only domain controller compatibility pack
* KB946648 - Security update for Windows Messenger 4.7
* KB947460 - ": is not accessible" error when trying to open a mapped DFS folder after coming out of standby
* KB948046 - A Word ******** is not printed as expected after installing the Windows European Union Expansion Font pack
* KB948101 - USB keyboard does not work after restarting a computer that has an NVIDIA 680i motherboard
* KB948720 - Cannot install device drivers in a Windows Server 2008
cluster environment if the drivers contain LZ-compressed files
* KB949033 - Severe video degradation and a Stop error when connecting a USB Webcam to the computer
* KB949127 - Cannot establish a wireless connection using EAP
authentication if the Service Set Identifier (SSID) includes a comma
* KB949764 - A USB device no longer works after resuming computer from hibernation (S4)
* KB949900 - The RunOnce.exe process may stop responding during the driver installation process
* KB950234 - " is not accessible. Access is denied" error when trying to open a shared file in Windows Explorer
* KB950312 - "The application failed to initialize properly
(0xC0000142)" error when trying to start a console-based application
* KB950616 - An audio application that uses the Portcls.sys file may stop responding
* KB950762 - Vulnerabilities in Pragmatic General Multicast (PGM) could allow denial of service
* KB950974 - Vulnerability in Event System could allow remote code execution
* KB951066 - Security update for Outlook Express
* KB951126 - Multiprocessor computer stops responding on a black screen after resuming from hibernation
* KB951163 - When trying to connect to the local computer using the
MSTSC command, a black screen may appear for several minutes
* KB951376 - Vulnerability in Bluetooth stack could allow remote code execution
* KB951531 - The W32Time service does not synchronize the CMOS clock time to the Internet time after the W32Time service stops
* KB951618 - A black screen occurs when upgrading the operating system on a computer that has Onekey Recovery 5.0 installed
* KB951624 - A 30-second delay occurs during the initialization of some network-based applications
* KB951698 - Vulnerabilities in DirectX could allow remote code execution
* KB951709 - Event ID 26 when attaching two IDE ATA/ATAPI devices as master and subordinate IDE devices
* KB951978 - ****** output is not displayed as expected when running VB****** or J****** ******s
* KB952069 - Security update for Windows Media Format Runtime and Media Foundation
* KB952206 - Printer-driver upgrade fails on printer clients when multiple printer queues are upgraded at the same time
* KB952954 - Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Windows Image Color Management could allow remote code execution
* KB953024 - Rich Text Format (.rtf) files may not print correctly when using an application that uses the RichEdit control
* KB953028 - An application experiences an access violation and then
crashes if the computer has more than four cores or more than four
logical processors
* KB953155 - Vulnerability in Windows Internet Printing service could allow remote code execution
* KB953609 - "At least one of your changes was not applied successfully
to the wireless configuration" error when adding a wireless network
* KB953761 - Some DHCP Options are not recognized when the DHCP server offer includes option 43
* KB954193 - Jet 4.0 Database Engine cumulative hotfix package: July 2, 2008
* KB954232 - On-Screen Keyboard behavior does not mimic the physical keyboard behavior in certain scenarios
* KB954600 - Security update for Windows Media Player 6.4
* KB954708 - Update to add support for the serialization of complex
Extensible Metadata Platform (XMP) data types in the Windows Imaging
* KB954879 - The LSASS.exe process crashes and the computer restarts
when trying to start the Network Access Protection Agent service
* KB954920 - Various error messages when an application requests a result set from new SQL Server 2008 collations
* KB955043 - A memory leak may occur when running an application that uses the DHTML Edit control
* KB955069 - Security update for XML Core Services 3.0
* KB955109 - 0xC0000005 (Access Violation) error when running an
application that uses the Application Desktop Toolbar (AppBar)
* KB955356 - When trying to start a computer that is connected to an
IEEE1394 hard disk, it stops responding before the logon screen appears

* KB955417 - Protected storage (PStore) uses a lower-quality
cryptographic function when the system locale is set to French (France)

* KB955567 - Data corruption may occur when trying to append data to a FILESTREAM varbinary (max) column in SQL Server 2008
* KB955576 - TAPI-based applications stop responding, and you cannot
disconnect telephone calls on a Windows XP-based telephony server
* KB955832 - SSL connection may fail when using Internet Explorer to
make an SSL connection to an HTTPS Web site that is certified by a DSS
* KB955839 - Cumulative time zone update (December, 200
* KB955843 - An ADO-based application may stop responding when it uses the adAsyncExecute option to open a Recordset object
* KB955988 - The Win32_Environment WMI class doesn't return the value
of the PATH environment variable if it contains more than 1,024
* KB956072 - Terminal server does not allow RDP connections whose encryption level is set to Low
* KB956391 - Cumulative security update for ActiveX (October, 200
* KB956625 - Computer becomes unstable or crashes after running Internet Explorer 7 for a long time
* KB956802 - Vulnerabilities in GDI could allow remote code execution
* KB956807 - The Unicode hyphen character (U+2010) is not drawn when using an application that uses GDI+ API functions
* KB956841 - Vulnerability in Virtual Address De******or manipulation could allow elevation of privilege
* KB957263 - Changes to the custom properties of a program that supports custom properties may not be saved
* KB958106 - Some components of an application not displayed correctly in a Terminal Services session
* KB958149 - Performance decreases when streaming isochronous data on a computer that has a TI IEEE1394 host controller
* KB958215 - Cumulative security update for Internet Explorer (December, 200
* KB958244 - System may stop responding when restarting a multicore computer
* KB958282 - 0x00000050 stop error when an application calls the NtGdiRectInRegion function
* KB958347 - Device that is connected through a 1394 FireWire hub is still present in system after hot unplugging it
* KB958644 - Vulnerability in Server service could allow remote code execution
* KB958655 - "API call rejected - No actions in Context" error when installing multiple MSI packages
* KB958687 - Vulnerabilities in SMB could allow remote code execution
* KB958752 - Application compatibility issue with the version of
AFD.sys that is released with MS08-037 and MS08-066 security updates
* KB958817 - Automatic Update window may stop responding when using a WSUS server to deploy updates
* KB959237 - Internet Explorer crashes when browsing a page that
fetches and filters a recordset asynchronously from an instance of SQL
* KB959267 - After repeatedly docking and undocking a portable computer, unable to change state of attached network device
* KB959334 - Text that has the font set to Arial Black and the font
style set to bold may change so that the font style is set to italic
opening the ********
* KB959439 - After uploading encrypted files to a WebDAV share, the files remain encrypted
* KB959465 - Write protection does not always work on SD memory cards
* KB960071 - An access violation occurs when using an application that
calls the SQLExecDirect function of the SQL Server ODBC driver to run a
long query
* KB960380 - A hyperlink control that is used to open a file or an e-mail message fails in an application that uses MSXML 6.0
* KB960417 - When running an application that uses the SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime function, performance is very poor
* KB960680 - Update the Slovak koruna currency symbol (Sk) to the Euro
(€) the Turkish currency symbol from Yeni Türk Lirasi (YTL) to Türk
Lirasi (TL)
* KB960714 - Security update for Internet Explorer

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
عضو متعاون

عدد الرسائل : 5336
العمر : 36
العمل/الترفيه : طالب جامعى
المزاج : تمام والحمد لله
رقم العضوية : 1
الدولة : علم مصر
MMS : للك قلبى للك عمرى وللك باقى سنينى
المهنة : عشاق الميديا سنتر Windows Xp SP3-Windows 7 Viena - Media Center Ed Feb.2009 Collec10
السٌّمعَة : 7
نقاط : 18403
تاريخ التسجيل : 26/04/2008

عشاق الميديا سنتر Windows Xp SP3-Windows 7 Viena - Media Center Ed Feb.2009 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: عشاق الميديا سنتر Windows Xp SP3-Windows 7 Viena - Media Center Ed Feb.2009   عشاق الميديا سنتر Windows Xp SP3-Windows 7 Viena - Media Center Ed Feb.2009 I_icon_minitime2009-04-18, 5:49 pm

Other Updates:

* Adobe Flash Player ActiveX Control
* Adobe Flash Player 9
* Code65536 FontReg 2.1.1
* Microsoft European Union Expansion Font Update 1.2
* Microsoft Qfecheck
* Microsoft Update 7.2.6001.788
* MSXML 4.0 SP2 (Includes KB954430 Hotfix)
* MSXML 6.0 SP2 (Includes KB954459 Hotfix)

Miscellaneous Tweaks:

* KB873374 - Microsoft GDI+ Detection Tool Registry Entry
* KB890830 - Microsoft Malicious Software Removal Tool 2.6
* Windows XP SP3 WBEM Fix

Newest Driver Support:
DriverPack Chipset: 142 drivers in this DriverPack
Supported manufacturers:

* ASUS (the 'Overclocking engine')
* ALi/ULi
* Fujitsu (ACPI controllers)
* Intel
* SiS
* nVidia
* SMC (onboard IRDA)

DriverPack CPU: 1 drivers in this DriverPack
Supported manufacturers:

* AMD (K
* Other manufacturers are supported through the default drivers of Windows XP.

DriverPack LAN: 152 drivers in this DriverPack
Supported manufacturers:

* 3com
* Accton
* Airlink
* ADMtek
* Broadcom
* Buffalo
* corega
* Conceptronic
* D-Link
* Intel
* Level One
* Linksys
* Marvell
* Microsoft
* Netgear
* nVidia
* OvisLink
* Realtek
* Surecom
* SiS
* Trendnet
* U.S. Robotics

DriverPack MassStorage: 166 drivers in this DriverPack
Supported manufacturers:

* 3ware
* Adaptec (includes HP/Compaq)
* Areca
* ALi/ULi
* Dell
* Emulex (clusters)
* Highpoint
* Intel
* JMicron
* Marvell
* Mylex
* nVidia
* Promise
* QLogic
* Silicon Image
* SiS

DriverPack WLAN: 253 drivers in this DriverPack
Supported manufacturers:

* 3Com
* Accton
* Agere (also supports ARtem, Avaya Communication, MELCO INC, D-Link,
ELSA, LANCOM Systems, Enterasys, IBM Corporation, LEGEND, Lucent
Technologies, TOSHIBA, NEC Corporation, NEC Aterm, Samsung, Siemens,
FUJITSU, Fujitsu- Siemens, 2Wire and Wireless.)
* Airlink101
* Asus
* Atheros
* Avaya
* Belkin
* Blitzz
* Broadcom
* Buffalo
* Cisco
* Corega
* Conceptronic
* D-Link
* Edimax
* Entersys
* Intel
* Linksys
* Lite-On
* Microsoft
* Minitar
* Netgear
* Orinoco
* Packard Bell
* Ralink
* Realtek
* Senao
* SiS
* Sitecom
* Surecom
* U.S. Robotics
* Zonet

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
عضو متعاون

عدد الرسائل : 3886
العمر : 36
الدولة : علم العراق
MMS : للك قلبى للك عمرى وللك باقى سنينى
المهنة : عشاق الميديا سنتر Windows Xp SP3-Windows 7 Viena - Media Center Ed Feb.2009 Collec10
السٌّمعَة : 6
نقاط : 3993
تاريخ التسجيل : 21/11/2008

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: عشاق الميديا سنتر Windows Xp SP3-Windows 7 Viena - Media Center Ed Feb.2009   عشاق الميديا سنتر Windows Xp SP3-Windows 7 Viena - Media Center Ed Feb.2009 I_icon_minitime2009-04-18, 7:18 pm

مشكور تامر مميز دوما
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

عدد الرسائل : 4187
العمر : 38
احترامك لقوانين المنتدى : عشاق الميديا سنتر Windows Xp SP3-Windows 7 Viena - Media Center Ed Feb.2009 21010
الدولة : علم لبنان
جنسيتك : العراق
MMS : للك قلبى للك عمرى وللك باقى سنينى
المهنة : عشاق الميديا سنتر Windows Xp SP3-Windows 7 Viena - Media Center Ed Feb.2009 Profes10
السٌّمعَة : 3
نقاط : 5376
تاريخ التسجيل : 21/11/2008

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: عشاق الميديا سنتر Windows Xp SP3-Windows 7 Viena - Media Center Ed Feb.2009   عشاق الميديا سنتر Windows Xp SP3-Windows 7 Viena - Media Center Ed Feb.2009 I_icon_minitime2009-04-18, 7:26 pm

مشكور تامر للمجهود الرائع
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أحلى قمر
عضو متعاون
أحلى قمر

عدد الرسائل : 12255
العمر : 34
العمل/الترفيه : طالبة جامعية
المزاج : أحلى مزاج
احترامك لقوانين المنتدى : عشاق الميديا سنتر Windows Xp SP3-Windows 7 Viena - Media Center Ed Feb.2009 21010
رقم العضوية : 6
الدولة : علم سوريا
مزاجى : رايقه
جنسيتك : سوريا
منتداك المفضل ايه ؟ : اسلاميات
MMS : للك قلبى للك عمرى وللك باقى سنينى
المهنة : عشاق الميديا سنتر Windows Xp SP3-Windows 7 Viena - Media Center Ed Feb.2009 Collec10
السٌّمعَة : 106
نقاط : 19194
تاريخ التسجيل : 13/05/2008

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: عشاق الميديا سنتر Windows Xp SP3-Windows 7 Viena - Media Center Ed Feb.2009   عشاق الميديا سنتر Windows Xp SP3-Windows 7 Viena - Media Center Ed Feb.2009 I_icon_minitime2009-04-18, 7:46 pm

ميرسي تامررررر زؤؤؤؤؤؤؤؤؤؤؤؤؤؤؤؤؤؤؤ
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
عضو متعاون

عدد الرسائل : 4574
العمر : 34
الموقع : سورية
العمل/الترفيه : طالبة
المزاج : اخر روقان
الدولة : علم سوريا
مزاجى : حالة حب
جنسيتك : البحرين
MMS : للك قلبى للك عمرى وللك باقى سنينى
المهنة : عشاق الميديا سنتر Windows Xp SP3-Windows 7 Viena - Media Center Ed Feb.2009 Engine10
السٌّمعَة : 15
نقاط : 5200
تاريخ التسجيل : 21/11/2008

عشاق الميديا سنتر Windows Xp SP3-Windows 7 Viena - Media Center Ed Feb.2009 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: عشاق الميديا سنتر Windows Xp SP3-Windows 7 Viena - Media Center Ed Feb.2009   عشاق الميديا سنتر Windows Xp SP3-Windows 7 Viena - Media Center Ed Feb.2009 I_icon_minitime2009-04-18, 8:20 pm

زؤؤؤؤؤؤؤؤؤؤؤؤؤؤؤؤؤؤ احلى تامر
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
السوسنة السوداء
عضو متعاون
السوسنة السوداء

عدد الرسائل : 81
العمر : 32
العمل/الترفيه : طالبة
المزاج : احلى مزاج
الدولة : علم تونس
مزاجى : حالة حب
جنسيتك : الاردن
كيف تعرفت علينا ؟ : جوجل
منتداك المفضل ايه ؟ : صور
MMS : للك قلبى للك عمرى وللك باقى سنينى
المهنة : عشاق الميديا سنتر Windows Xp SP3-Windows 7 Viena - Media Center Ed Feb.2009 Studen10
السٌّمعَة : 0
نقاط : 144
تاريخ التسجيل : 23/03/2009

عشاق الميديا سنتر Windows Xp SP3-Windows 7 Viena - Media Center Ed Feb.2009 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: عشاق الميديا سنتر Windows Xp SP3-Windows 7 Viena - Media Center Ed Feb.2009   عشاق الميديا سنتر Windows Xp SP3-Windows 7 Viena - Media Center Ed Feb.2009 I_icon_minitime2009-04-19, 11:58 am


الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
عشاق الميديا سنتر Windows Xp SP3-Windows 7 Viena - Media Center Ed Feb.2009
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 1 من اصل 1
 مواضيع مماثلة
» Windows Live Messenger 2009
» Windows XP USB Flash Extra Small Edition 2009

صلاحيات هذا المنتدى:لاتستطيع الرد على المواضيع في هذا المنتدى
هـمـس الـعـيـون :: منتديات الكمبيوتر :: برامـج الكمبيوتر-
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